ZincBot AI logo.  A cute blue robot with a square head and flashy lights

ZincBot AI. Artificial Intelligence Made Simple.

ZincBot AI. Bespoke Artificial Intelligence Projects and Consultancy

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A Man stood in front of a large futuristic window through which is shown a cityscape at night

About Us

ZincBot AI is a development and consulting company, focused on providing Artificial Intelligence solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises.

We provide answers to the following questions:

  • A.I. - What is it, and how can it assist my business?
  • How can I add A.I. into my business processes?
  • What is actually required to add A.I. into my product or production cycle?

And provide the following services:

  • Analysis of current pipeline and A.I. touchpoints
  • Development of A.I. solutions
  • Support in the implementation of 3rd party A.I. solutions
  • Ethical and compliance analysis of 3rd party solutions

Contact Us

Click the button and fill out our contact form. We will call you back for a no pressure, no commitment discussion of your requirements.

Our promise: We will only follow up if asked, and never use your details to pester!

Contact Us

Our Services. What We Do.

A blue robot with a parcel in front of it

Analysis of Current Pipeline and A.I. Touchpoints

  • Current Pipeline: Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the existing processes and workflows within the organization to identify areas where artificial intelligence (A.I.) could be integrated. This involves understanding the data flow, key decision points, and potential bottlenecks in the current system.
  • A.I. Touchpoints: Identifying the specific points in the workflow where A.I. can be effectively implemented. This analysis involves assessing the types of data available, the nature of decisions made at each touchpoint, and the potential benefits of introducing A.I. technology.
An octopus styled white robot carrying a parcel

Development of A.I. Solutions

  • Conceptualization: Generating ideas and concepts for A.I. solutions based on the identified touchpoints and areas of improvement. This involves considering the specific needs of the organization, the data available, and the desired outcomes.
  • Prototyping: Creating prototype A.I. solutions to test and validate their feasibility. This phase may include developing proof-of-concept models, conducting simulations, or building minimum viable products to demonstrate the potential value of the A.I. solutions.
  • Full-scale Development: Once the prototype is validated, proceeding with the full-scale development of the A.I. solutions. This includes coding, training machine learning models, and integrating the solutions into the existing infrastructure.
An orange robot sat behind a desk

Support in the Implementation of 3rd Party A.I. Solutions

  • Vendor Assessment: Evaluating and selecting third-party A.I. solutions that align with the organization's requirements and objectives. This involves considering factors such as performance, scalability, compatibility, and vendor reputation.
  • Integration Assistance: Providing support and expertise in integrating the selected third-party A.I. solutions into the organization's systems. This includes addressing technical challenges, ensuring data compatibility, and optimizing the implementation for maximum efficiency.
  • Customization: Tailoring the third-party A.I. solutions to meet the specific needs and nuances of the organization. This may involve configuring settings, adjusting algorithms, or incorporating additional features to enhance the solution's effectiveness.
Three robots, one red, one yellow and one blue, standing in a line

    Ethical and Compliance Analysis of 3rd Party Solutions

  • Ethical Evaluation: Assessing the ethical implications of using third-party A.I. solutions, including considerations such as bias, fairness, and transparency. This analysis ensures that the adopted solutions align with ethical standards and do not inadvertently discriminate against certain groups.
  • Compliance Check: Verifying that the third-party A.I. solutions comply with relevant laws, regliations, and industry standards. This involves conducting a thorough review of data privacy, security, and other compliance-related aspects to mitigate legal risks..
  • Documentation and Reporting: Documenting the ethical and compliance assessments and providing clear reports to stakeholders. This information helps in transparent decision-making and demonstrates a commitment to responsible and lawful A.I. adoption.

The Team

Picture of Simon Oddy

Simon Oddy

Simon has over 30 years experience in the software industry. Reaching the end of his MSc in Artificial Intelligence with the University of Bath, Simon brings together cutting edge A.I. techniques and his knowledge of technical business processes to provide a holistic service. Able to draw on a wide range of consultants for several disciplines, Simon leads ZincBot A.I. in an open, honest and transparent manner.

In previous lives, Simon has 20 years running private business and leading the delivery of software solutions to emergency services control rooms in the U.K. and internationally. Simon is a recognised agile change consultant, and has spent many years leading the transformation of departments to agile work practices (waterfall to Scrum and Kanban, and touch points to all other business areas). Simon has extensive experience in software and systems delivery to customers demanding quality software solutions with 99.999% uptime requirements. Simon has over nine years experience leading and managing onshore and offshore teams across multiple time zones.